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Foreign Relations

Displaying all content tagged with the theme Foreign Relations.
798 Posts located

We are still digesting the series of summitry that took place in the past few months between North Korea, the United States, and South Korea. We rightly recognize the historic…

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Region: Europe

April 4, 2019

As the complex negotiations between North Korea, the United States, and South Korea continue, it is worthwhile to review what the current U.S. presence on the Korean Peninsula looks like.…

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Region: Asia

March 5, 2019

As we approach the second US-DPRK Summit, the media in the United States is so focused on the dynamics between President Trump and Kim Jong-un that the interests and motivations…

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Region: Asia

February 15, 2019

2018 has been an incredibly eventful year for both the Koreas and the U.S.-Korea relationship: from North Korea’s participation in the Winter Olympics at the start of the year to…

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Region: Asia

December 21, 2018

An old Korean proverb says that when two whales fight it is the shrimps whose backs are crushed. Maybe that proverb best describes Korea’s situation on the trade front these…

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Region: Asia

June 15, 2010

Geography alone would give Russia a prominent role in the Korean peninsula. The Russian Federation currently shares a recently demarcated 17-kilometer common border along the Tumen River with the Democratic…

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Region: Asia

February 25, 2010

Science diplomacy refers to international scientifi c cooperation aimed simultaneously at advancing scientifi c knowledge and improving and strengthening broader relations between participating countries and groups. Science diplomacy has proved…

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Region: Asia

April 25, 2009

Globalization is a hallmark of the twenty first-century world. As transportation and telecommunications grow in both efficiency and level of performance and as the ambit of the Internet expands, it…

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Region: Asia

December 25, 2008

Shortly before the 8th Republican presidential debate in New Hampshire North Korea conducted its second successful satellite launch. North Korea was also topic of discussion at the 5th Democratic presidential debate a few days earlier. Here is what the candidates had to say about the satellite launch in the Republican debate and more generally about…

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Region: Asia

February 7, 2016

By Troy Stangarone After moving up its launch window, North Korea again violated previous UN Security Council resolutions by conducting a long-range rocket launch as part of a mission to put its second satellite in orbit. Combined with it fourth nuclear test a little more than a month ago, Pyongyang has undertaken two major provocations…

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Region: Asia

February 7, 2016

By Troy Stangarone In recent days there has been increasing speculation that North Korea is preparing to test a long range missile. While any test would violate UN resolutions prohibiting Pyongyang from conducting long range missile tests and represent an additional destabilizing act on North Korea’s part following so closely on the heels of North…

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Region: Asia

February 1, 2016

This year will see the election of a new U.S. president. As the primary season for both political parties begins to heat up with the Iowa Caucuses approaching, KEI has gathered comments by contenders for the Republican and Democratic presidential nominations on North and South Korea. Republican Candidates Jeb Bush February 18, 2015 - “America…

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January 29, 2016






























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February 14, 2023