October 18, 2022
September 30, 2022
July 13, 2022
Please join Tycho van der Hoog on why countries in southern Africa continue to engage with North Korea.
Please join Tycho van der Hoog on why countries in southern Africa continue to engage with North Korea.
As the reigning consensus has it, the U.S.-ROK alliance is one of the most successful of its kind in history. The alliance not only succeeded in defending South Korea from…
The history of the first of North Korea’s nuclear proliferation crises has received considerable attention and analysis. The regional implications of a nuclear North Korea were signaled clearly and repeatedly…
The North Korean Nuclear Program and Peace Process: Past, Present, and Future
Economic relations between North Korea and South Korea broke major new ground in 2005. Inter-Korean trade increased by more than 50 percent over the previous year and exceeded $1 billion…
Despite being industrial powerhouses, Korea and Japan are both resource-poor nations with limited domestic sources of energy. Powering their economies required both to develop supply chains for fossil fuels, nuclear…
In 2023, KEI has set out on its “Rethinking Korea initiative,” which explores the evolution of U.S.-Korea relations, Korea’s place in the world, and rapid changes in Korean society itself.…
In 2023, KEI has set out on its “Rethinking Korea initiative,” which explores the evolution of U.S.-Korea relations, Korea’s place in the world, and rapid changes in Korean society itself.…
In 2023, KEI has set out on its “Rethinking Korea initiative,” which explores the evolution of U.S.-Korea relations, Korea’s place in the world, and rapid changes in Korean society itself.…
By Nicholas Hamisevicz March was expected to be a difficult month for inter-Korean relations with the joint U.S.-ROK military exercises taking place and the lack of progress between the two Koreas in January and February. Unfortunately, events in March suggest even more difficult times ahead for relations between North and South Korea even without military…
By Matthew Nitkoski According to former National Assembly Speaker Park Kwan-yong, the United States will soon turn away from its North Korea denuclearization strategy and focus on nuclear non-proliferation issues. His comments come at a time when North Korean advancements in warheads and delivery mechanisms are forcing regional states to reassess their capabilities and reconsider…
By Mark Tokola One March 26th newspaper headline read: “South Korea Seeks Membership in Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.” Another newspaper’s headline read: “Decision to Join China-Led Bank Tests South Korea’s Ties to U.S.” The latter probably drew more readers because, face it, stories about multilateral lending institutions rarely stir excitement. Stories about potential rifts between…
This is the third in a three part series on the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement. The first part can be found here and the second part here. By Daniel P. Malone March 15, 2015 marks the third anniversary of the Korea - U.S. Free Trade Agreement (KORUS). July 1, 2015 will be the fourth anniversary…
Please join KEI and Park Won-ho for a discussion on what South Korean politics look like at a sub-national level.