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Displaying all content tagged with the theme Economics.
851 Posts located

The importance of having an efficient labor market is growing because of recent trends such as globalization, the development of information-communication technology (ICT), and the increasing need for foreign direct…

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Region: Asia

May 25, 2011

Along with commercial banks, capital markets are an integral part of the financial systems in most capitalist economies, and their relative importance is constantly increasing. Countries around the world are…

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Region: Asia

May 25, 2011

Central banks have two responsibilities: (1) stabilize the value of the currency and (2) maintain public confidence in deposit money by limiting systemic risk. The first responsibility is primary, ongoing,…

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Region: Asia

In the unfolding process of the Korean financial crisis in 1997, an inefficient corporate bankruptcy system played a damaging role in the Korean economy. Before the crisis, in 1996 and…

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Region: Asia

May 25, 2011

With relations between Korea and Japan improving over the last year the leaders of the United States, Korea, and Japan met in Washington on August 18 to discuss a common…

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August 31, 2023

On May 1, 2023, KEI hosted a conversation between Ambassador Marc Knapper and Ambassador (ret.) Kathleen Stephens on potential new and expanded areas of trilateral cooperation between the United States,…

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30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, people’s aspiration to establish a pluralistic liberal democracy appears to be under scrutiny around the world – anti-immigration policies dominate political…

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Region: Asia

November 8, 2019

Strategically located at the crossroads of Central Asia, China, and Russia, Mongolia has long attracted the attention of regional powers – including the Koreas. How is this traditionally-nomadic, but resource-rich,…

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Region: Asia
Topic: Energy

November 5, 2019

By Nicholas Hamisevicz Initial KCNA and other reports about the September 25, 2012 Supreme People’s Assembly (SPA) meeting indicate North Korea has made no public announcement on economic or agricultural reforms as anticipated by numerous press articles and North Korea watchers. Proclamations following the meeting emphasized changes to North Korea’s education system. Thus, those that…

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Region: Asia

September 26, 2012

By Seongjin James Ahn In light of all the recent and mixed reports attempting to evaluate Korea’s economic outlook for the remainder of 2012 and beyond, many analysts have been wondering what truly lies ahead for Korea’s economy.  Is the country bound for leaner times, or will things turn around?  What will a potential economic…

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Region: Asia

September 21, 2012

By Sarah K. Yun As leaders of the Asia-Pacific nations gathered for the 20th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders’ Meeting in Vladivostok, Russia on September 8-9, the ongoing effects of the euro crisis and global financial crisis added urgency to their efforts to increase regional economic growth and give APEC a leading role in the…

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Region: Asia

September 17, 2012

By Chad 0'Carroll In light of a California jury ruling Friday, Samsung now looks set to have to pay Apple more than $1 billion in damages for violating hardware and software patents following the conclusion of what may well be seen as a landmark case.  With the verdict seen as a big win for Apple,…

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August 28, 2012