1983 Posts located
Seong-Hyon Lee argues that the trilateral relationship between South Korea, Japan, and China is currently at a critical juncture as historical legacies, territorial disputes, and the evolving geopolitical landscape pose…
This introduction provides a broader framework for the first four papers in this issue of Korea Policy by examining five distinct ways or areas wherein trade and investment intersect with…
This paper examines the concept of “derisking” and how the Japanese Economic Security Promotion Act (ESPA) has responded to it within the framework of deterrence theory. It explores how ESPA…
This interview originally aired in 2014. With the retirement by Yi So-yeon, South Korea’s remaining astronaut, many have turned attention to Korea, wondering whether there is a future for its…
In this episode, we spoke with Kevin O'Donnell, who, after decades on a private sector career path, became the first-ever Peace Corps country director for South Korea, followed by a…
As North Korea's largest trading partner and political ally, China is a crucial factor in any potential solution to curb North Korea's weapons programs. President Trump expressed hope earlier this year…
In December 1950, while fighting the advancing Chinese army and bitter Korean winter, Colonel Edward Forney and other American and Korean officers managed to evacuate all troops as well as…
What Happened Last year, a revised law required public school teachers to undergo mandatory drug testing. Lawmakers revised the law in response to the rise of drug abuse in Korea in recent years. The Gyeonggi Province Teacher’s Union demanded education authorities re-examine the “unreasonable’ measure. Implications: Seeking to address growing societal problems, the South Korean government often overlooks communicating its…
One year ago, President Moon Jae-in launched the Korean New Deal, which aims to “set the foundation for Korea’s next 100 years.” The New Deal is a national development strategy with three main objectives. First, create jobs, both government-supported positions for low-skilled workers and jobs that support the transition towards a digital and green economy.…
Does society affect the quality of the movies its directors make? Do democracies in fact make better art? Perhaps South Korea can provide an outlook on this question. 1960 is a special year in the country’s political history - a popular protest ousted President Syngman Rhee from office in April after he attempted to hold…
What Happened In 2019, Korean Internet Service Provider (ISP) SK Broadband claimed that heavy data usage by the U.S. streaming service Netflix posed a major financial burden and sought government arbitration. Local online platforms have also complained of reverse discrimination as domestic platforms pay substantially more in network usage fees than foreign ones. In response to a new law…