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Displaying all content tagged with the region Asia.
1917 Posts located

Seoul has gradually adopted a more outspoken position regarding the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and framed it in increasingly expansive terms—as a regional and global…

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Region: Asia, Indo-Pacific

November 3, 2023

The development of the concept of the Indo-Pacific strategy, since its adoption by the United States in 2017, has primarily been driven by the emergence of China as an object…

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Region: Asia, Indo-Pacific

November 2, 2023

While the use of the term “Indo-Pacific” is relatively new, debates about its use echo longstanding arguments about how the region should be defined: who is in, who is out,…

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Region: Asia, Indo-Pacific

November 2, 2023

North Korea is putting on a tough face as the world confronts the COVID-19 pandemic. Authorities in Pyongyang continue to reassure the rest of the world that nothing is wrong…

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Region: Asia

Looking back on the Korean War, one might assume that the outbreak of a violent conflict that killed millions of people would preclude the possibility of a peaceful resolution of…

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Region: Asia

July 10, 2020

It would not be an exaggeration to claim that the Korean War shaped world history. There had been bloodshed elsewhere that bookmarked the start of the bitter conflict between the…

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Region: Asia

The international force that answered the United Nation’s call to defend the Republic of Korea between 1950 and 1953 did more than engage in combat with North Korean and Chinese…

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Region: Asia

June 26, 2020

By Clare Hubbard  The official statement regarding President Obama’s April trip to Korea indicates that the main discussion points will be the ongoing implementation of the KORUS FTA, recent developments in North Korea, and reaffirming the U.S.-Korea alliance. However, one main reason for Obama’s trip to the peninsula is missing from the itinerary released by…

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Region: Asia

April 22, 2014

By Nicholas Hamisevicz The recent ruling by India’s Supreme Court requiring Samsung Electronics chairman Lee Kun-Hee to come to India to face criminal charges connected to the alleged failure of a Samsung subsidiary to pay one of its Indian suppliers is yet another example of how India continues to turn away potential Korean and international…

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Region: Asia

April 21, 2014

By Kristen Lee During the 1960’s under President Park Chung-hee’s economic stewardship, the founders of today’s chaebol facilitated South Korea’s recovery after the war. These huge family-led business conglomerates became the foundation of the Korean economy and an integral part of Korea’s export-oriented growth. This rapid economic development, known as the “Miracle on the Han…

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Region: Asia

February 5, 2014

By Troy Stangarone In the aftermath of last spring’s shutdown of the Kaesong Industrial Complex, the Park administration has sought international investment to serve as a bulwark against future actions by North Korea that would endanger Kaesong’s operations. While finding ways to raise the cost of a future shutdown for North Korea is a sensible…

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Region: Asia

February 3, 2014