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348 Posts located

In this episode we speak with Mr. Ken E. Gause, currently a senior research analyst with the International Affairs Group and Iranian Studies Program at CNA Strategic Studies in Alexandria,…

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Region: Asia
Topic: Inter-Korean

December 15, 2010

In October 2006, Kim Jong-il’s North Korea again seized international attention. With its claimed underground nuclear test, Pyongyang upped the ante in its confrontation with the United States and the…

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Region: Asia

December 25, 2006

What happened The latest poll from January 27 revealed that 53% of people between the ages of 18 and 29 supported the conservative opposition presidential candidate Yoon Seok-yeol while only 25% supported the ruling party’s candidate. 62% of voters in this cohort had extended their support to the winning progressive candidate in the 2002 presidential…

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January 28, 2022

What Happened: The ruling party’s presidential candidate Lee Jae-myung announced his plan to raise income per capita to USD 50,000, elevate the country’s hard power, and reach KOSPI stock index of 5,000. Polling two days after this speech showed that Lee led the race with 36 percent against his main opponent’s 26 percent. According to…

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Region: Asia

January 17, 2022

What Happened The presidential candidate for the People’s Power Party, Yoon Suk-yeol, introduced an AI version of himself to demonstrate his intimacy with technology. In response, Democratic Party’s presidential candidate Lee Jae-myung created a chatbot that answers question about his campaign. Presidential candidate Kim Dong-yeon also introduced an Artificial Intelligence spokesperson to make it easier to engage with voters…

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Region: Asia

January 12, 2022

A curious feature of advanced industrial states is anxiety about the future of democracy, not only abroad but at home as well. These worries—encapsulated in the concept of backsliding--have been particularly evident in the United States following the challenges posed by the Trump administration. The bruising fight over Brexit in Britain and the rise of…

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Region: Asia

January 6, 2022