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Displaying all content tagged with the theme Politics.
348 Posts located

In this episode we speak with Mr. Ken E. Gause, currently a senior research analyst with the International Affairs Group and Iranian Studies Program at CNA Strategic Studies in Alexandria,…

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Region: Asia
Topic: Inter-Korean

December 15, 2010

The roller coaster of relations between Japan and South Korea has taken a sudden jolt with the December 28, 2015 agreement on “comfort women.” Some anticipate a turning point, stabilizing…

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Region: Asia

October 6, 2016

While Tokyo and Seoul are often paired as key U.S. allies in Asia, and both alliances are now more solid than ever, their individual alliance dynamics have varied in important…

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Region: Asia

October 6, 2016

On December 28, 2015, the Japanese and South Korean governments announced their agreement on the “comfort women” issue. This sudden breakthrough 70 years after the end of WWII and 24…

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Region: Asia

October 6, 2016

The Korean economy has faced several crises, such as the ending of the rapid economic growth era in the 21st century, continued stagnation of per capita GDP growth since 2007…

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Region: Asia

March 4, 2016

In the 2022 presidential election, the conservative opposition candidate Yoon Suk-yeol won the race with a 0.8% margin. During the campaign, Yoon received endorsements from five former senior military officers who had served in the Moon administration. They attributed the endorsement to “[their] faith in Yoon’s national security policies,” including his controversial remark that Seoul…

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Region: Asia

April 6, 2022

In December 2021, Yoon Suk-yeol’s campaign released a short candidate clip. Looking and sounding just like the candidate, the ‘man’ in the video says, “hello, it’s ‘AI Yoon Suk-yeol,’ are you surprised at how much I look like [him]?”  Since then, the campaign would go on to release short clips of the candidate responding to…

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Region: Asia

March 16, 2022

In a previous post, we asked the question of whether the Korean electorate was becoming more polarized, looking at the ideological differences across all citizens and those who identified most strongly with the two major parties. Our findings were that politics was becoming somewhat more polarized, but more sharply among partisans than the general public.…

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Region: Asia

What Happened Merger talks between two opposition candidates, Ahn Cheol-soo and Yoon Seok-yeol, broke down. A recent poll suggests Yoon is still leading the race overall despite the merger falling apart. However, Yoon’s lead is within the margin of error and the merger with Ahn would have more safely secured his position. Implication: Hyperpolarization among…

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February 26, 2022