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Displaying all content tagged with the region Asia.
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This paper examines policies in the renewables sector across various countries and where political tensions could generate suboptimal outcomes for the sector’s development. In its analysis of supply- and demand-side…

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Region: Asia

December 25, 2010

With North Korea becoming increasingly politically isolated, there are few channels through which the international community can remain engaged. Despite the distaste most have for Pyongyang politics, more than 24…

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Region: Asia

November 25, 2010

This paper compares Sino–South Korean management of bilateral economic and political tensions; it argues that China’s WTO entry has provided an external institutional framework for managing disputes on the economic…

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Region: Asia

September 25, 2010

On 19 December 2003, the leader of Libya, Col. Muammar El-Qaddafi, shocked the world by abruptly stating that his country was renouncing its attempts to develop weapons of mass destruction…

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Region: Asia

September 25, 2010

For many years, South Korea has been a homogeneous country. But with more foreigners coming to live in Korea, that is starting to change. In fact, the Korea Institute for…

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Region: Asia

August 11, 2016

In early July, the United States and South Korea announced that they had come to an agreement to deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system near the city…

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Region: Asia

August 5, 2016

With Election 2016 well underway, KEI's very own Phil Eskeland has been closely following how both the Republican and Democratic parties have been talking about foreign policy and Asia. He…

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Region: Asia

July 28, 2016

In the late 1930s, nearly 200,000 ethnic Koreans were forcibly removed from the Soviet Far East, packed into trains and sent to Central Asia. More than 70 years later, their…

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Region: Asia
Topic: Security

July 22, 2016

The resource that will drive future growth is data. For Korea’s entertainment industry to get a share of this new currency, it has to transition from being producers of content to becoming providers of a platform that aggregates data. But domestic streaming platforms face numerous challenges when competing against foreign giants like Netflix, Disney+, and…

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Region: Asia

November 19, 2021

What Happened Parents of elementary school students are pushing for national academic evaluations to be reinstated to know where their children’s education stands compared to the national average. COVID-19 has increased concerns over a widening education quality gap between students. The government attributes this widening gap to students with access to private education and those who do not. Implications: Korean society…

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Region: Asia

November 18, 2021

Nearly 300 days have passed since the outbreak of the February coup in Myanmar. Since then, more than 1,250 citizens have been killed and 10,100 arrested while fighting in resistance against the military, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP). In response, the international community including the United Nations Security Council, has publicly…

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Region: Asia

November 17, 2021

What Happened The ruling Democratic Party’s presidential candidate Lee Jae-myung proposed another round of universal payments to help citizens overcome the economic challenges posed by COVID-19. However, Prime Minister Kim Boo-kyum and the government claimed that they do not have the capacity to provide another round of universal relief funds. A nationwide public poll showed that 60.1% of Koreans agree…

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Region: Asia

November 16, 2021