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Displaying all content tagged with the location China.
270 Posts located

Since 1992, bilateral relations between China and South Korea have sustained a state of positive development, although there have naturally been some moments of friction and contradictions. Amid the COVID-19…

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Region: Asia

July 30, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has been the most significant economic disruption to the international economy since the Great Depression. The IMF estimates that the global economy contracted by 3.5 percent last…

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Region: Asia

July 30, 2021

Today’s global economy is highly interconnected and interdependent. Supply chains across the world are finely tuned to deliver parts just when they are needed, so that companies and industries do…

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Region: Asia

July 30, 2021

Japan led, and was transformed, by the global supply chain revolution. Facing growing protectionism in industrialized markets and reeling from sharp yen appreciation in the aftermath of the 1985 Plaza…

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Region: Asia

July 30, 2021

As we approach the second US-DPRK Summit, the media in the United States is so focused on the dynamics between President Trump and Kim Jong-un that the interests and motivations…

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Region: Asia

February 15, 2019

President Donald Trump is off on his longest international trip yet, stopping in Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines. There, he is expected to tackle a range of…

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Region: Asia
Topic: Inter-Korean

November 3, 2017

For the first Korean Kontext podcast of 2017, five members of the KEI staff sat down with host Jenna Gibson for a chat about the volitility of 2016 and what…

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Region: Asia

January 9, 2017

In this episode, which originally aired in 2011, we hear from author Mike Kim, who speaks with Korean Kontext about his experiences living and working with North Korean refugees on…

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Region: Asia

October 28, 2016

What Happened During recent talks, the Chinese FM raised the idea of joint dialogue to reach a political resolution between North and South Korea. China also voiced support for South Korea’s goals of peace and denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. The two foreign ministers discussed holding a future 2+2 meeting with diplomatic and security officials from…

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Region: Asia

April 14, 2021

Since its inauguration, the Biden Administration has faced a long list of pressing domestic and foreign policy issues and challenges to tackle. People wonder how high North Korea ranks on the list- probably not among the top five unless another round of provocation forces Washington to refocus attention back on Pyongyang. There have been the…

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Region: Asia, North America

March 15, 2021

What Happened On March 2, Seoul and Beijing agreed to establish two military hotlines that will connect the South Korean and Chinese navies and air forces in order to prevent military incidents in the region. There are now a total of five military hotlines between South Korea and China; the original three hotlines deal with China’s northern…

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Region: Asia

March 10, 2021

We were reminded last year that it can be difficult to anticipate the events that will dominate any given year. As 2020 began, few people expected focus of the world or the Korean Peninsula to be on a global pandemic, but that is how the year unfolded. South Korea has handled the pandemic relatively well…

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