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Korea, North

Displaying all content tagged with the location Korea, North.
819 Posts located

Forged in the blood and strife of the anti-Japanese struggle during the colonial era, the North Korean revolution, with Kim Il-sung at its core, was built on the ethos of…

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Region: Asia

October 3, 2017

Among the most important issues that will confront the new Trump administration is how to deal with North Korea. Before Mr. Trump leaves office, North Korea may achieve the capability…

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Region: Asia

December 5, 2016

North Korea has been under several rounds of economic sanctions since the beginning of the Korean War in 1950. Economic coercion, however, has had no major effect on the Kim…

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Region: Asia

June 21, 2016

German unification is often used as a preview on what is going to happen in Korea. Such a position is rejected in this article. Not only have the costs of…

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Region: Asia

March 4, 2016

In 2023, KEI has set out on its “Rethinking Korea initiative,” which explores the evolution of U.S.-Korea relations, Korea’s place in the world, and rapid changes in Korean society itself.…

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Region: Asia

August 24, 2023

You’ve probably heard the Korean War referred to as an unfinished conflict – but that’s not just a reference to the frozen war on the Peninsula. The sudden outbreak of…

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Region: Asia

August 7, 2020

We often talk about whether the sanctions against North Korea are working. And we have spoken occasionally on this very podcast about the ways North Korea also cheats and gets…

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Region: Asia

July 31, 2020

North Korea is putting on a tough face as the world confronts the COVID-19 pandemic. Authorities in Pyongyang continue to reassure the rest of the world that nothing is wrong…

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Region: Asia

By Nick Miller Main Actors within North Korea Decision Making North Korea’s political structure is a set of institutions built to sustain the Kim family. The Korean Worker’s Party (WKP) and other state agencies were designed by Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il to be used to play rivals off one another and assist him in…

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Region: Asia

October 26, 2012

By Chad 0'Carroll This Friday South Korea will make a new attempt at launching a satellite using the Korea Space Launch Vehicle-1 (KSLV-1). If it is successful, the ROK will become the eleventh country in the world to have developed a national capability to send objects into orbit. But after its two previous failures, this…

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Region: Asia

October 24, 2012

By Jessica Choi A few days ago, I went to my friend’s favorite local Japanese sushi bar for the first time, and I noticed that there was bulgogi (Korean beef bbq) on the menu.  My interest was piqued, so I decided to try speaking Korean to the waitress.  Lo and behold, it turns out that…

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Region: Asia

September 28, 2012

By Jae-kyung Park Early last month, the U.S. Department of State and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China exchanged harsh words publically on the issue of South China Sea. On August 3, the U.S. State Department issued a press statement with the heading of ‘South China Sea’. The words therein are carefully and considerately crafted,…

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Region: Asia

September 26, 2012