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Korea’s Economy Volume 27

20 Publications

U.S.-Korea Economic Relations: A View from Seoul

Incredible change in the global economy over the past decade has shattered virtually everyone's expectations of what the next fifty years will look like, and Korea is no excpetion. The rise of developing countries like China, India, Turkey, and Brazil and the long-term competetiveness of the Korean economy necessitate strong…

Korea-Africa: Emerging Opportunities

Just a few decades ago, South Korea had much in common with many African states as they were emerging from colonialism. At the time of Ghana’s independence in 1957, for example, the country’s income per capita was practically equivalent to South Korea’s at just under $500. Fifty-four years later, the…

Economic Implications for South Korea of the Current Transformation in the Middle East

In this article, I focus on the impacts on South Korea of the current transformation in the Middle East. South Korea is the world’s fifth-largest importer of oil, importing 98 percent of its oil for domestic use, 80 percent of which comes from the Middle East. Korea is a major…

Korea’s Green Energy Policies and Prospects

The global energy environment affecting Korea at home and from abroad increases the necessity for green growth that can be achieved by environment-friendly energy technology development. Accordingly, the Korean government recognizes the importance of developing green energy technology as the key to the achievement of the national goal of GHG…

Africa and South Korea’s Leadership of the G-20

The expansion of the Group of Eight (G-8) to the Group of 20 (G-20) was received by developing countries with high expectations and optimism. The expansion was considered an important step toward improving global economic governance in an increasingly globalized world. The inclusion of emerging economies in global economic leadership…

The G-20: Achievements and Challenges

Just as the world economy was about to be thrown into another Great Depression in late 2008, leaders of the Group of 20 (G-20) and emerging economies gathered for the first time to save the global economy from the worst recession since the Great Depression. After that they met four…