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Displaying all content tagged with the region Asia.
1933 Posts located

Much is made in Western circles of North Korea’s economic dependence on China amid questions of whether and how much leverage this gives Beijing. In an end game, however, Pyongyang…

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Region: Asia

October 6, 2016

Russia shares a border with the Korean Peninsula, and its declared interest is to maintain peace and stability in the region. During Soviet times, its Korean policy was based on…

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Region: Asia

October 6, 2016

On February 10, 2016, the South Korean government announced the closure of the Gaeseong Industrial Complex, a symbol of its engagement policy and inter-Korean rapprochement. The move was part of…

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Region: Asia

October 6, 2016

Lately, many questions have been raised about how new currents are reshaping the economic architecture in East Asia, ranging from the Russian Far East to the Indian sub-continent with narrower…

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Region: Asia

October 6, 2016

In March, a curious protest took place in Seoul. Private kindergartens were going on strike. Protests by industry groups or workers are not uncommon in South Korea, but something about…

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Region: Asia
Topic: Energy

May 31, 2019

North Korea’s ambassador to the United Nations Kim Song demanded that the United States release a North Korean vessel that is currently held by authorities in American Samoa, warning that…

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Region: Asia

May 24, 2019

It’s been nearly one year since the Singapore Summit between President Trump and Kim Jong-un and the two countries are at an impasse. North Korea signals no intention of giving…

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Region: Asia

May 17, 2019

What if our understanding of North Korea is inadvertently colored by the very resources that we rely on to deepen our knowledge of the country? What does this say about our policies…

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Region: Asia

May 10, 2019

By Nicholas Hamisevicz Initial KCNA and other reports about the September 25, 2012 Supreme People’s Assembly (SPA) meeting indicate North Korea has made no public announcement on economic or agricultural reforms as anticipated by numerous press articles and North Korea watchers. Proclamations following the meeting emphasized changes to North Korea’s education system. Thus, those that…

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Region: Asia

September 26, 2012

Despite Ahn Cheol-soo formally entering the race for president, his poll numbers did not see a bounce in the first Asan Institute for Policy Studies poll out since his announcement on September 19. This week's addition of the Asan Institute poll includes additional data at the end related to how South Korean's view his candidacy.    …

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Region: Asia

September 24, 2012

By Seongjin James Ahn In light of all the recent and mixed reports attempting to evaluate Korea’s economic outlook for the remainder of 2012 and beyond, many analysts have been wondering what truly lies ahead for Korea’s economy.  Is the country bound for leaner times, or will things turn around?  What will a potential economic…

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Region: Asia

September 21, 2012

In this week's Asan Institute for Policy Studies polling President Lee Myung-bak saw his approval rating slowly rise back above 30 percent by the end of the week. In the presidential race Moon Jae-in passed Ahn Cheol-soo as the favored candidate of progressives and pulled within less than 3 percent of Park Geun-hye in the…

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Region: Asia

September 18, 2012