1980 Posts located
This paper provides an analytical assessment of the implications for North and South Korea of recent changes in the Chinese-Russian and U.S.-Japanese security relationships.The evolution of these two security relationships…
During the past few years, the United States has begun three important initiatives that alter its defense commitment to South Korea (Republic of Korea [ROK]). First, Washington started to decrease…
In October 2006, Kim Jong-il’s North Korea again seized international attention. With its claimed underground nuclear test, Pyongyang upped the ante in its confrontation with the United States and the…
This week, we have a very special guest who flew in from Paris to talk about Korea's economy. Dr. Randall Jones is head of the Japan/Korea Desk at the Organization…
As Seoul has grown, it has become more and more international. The city has been making an effort to attract more foreign visitors, whether as tourists, students or workers. This…
Over the last 50 years, Myanmar has oscillated between periods of friendship with South Korea and partnership with North Korea. As Myanmar opens to the international community, however, investment and…
Anyone who has spent time in Korea knows the term Yellow Dust. Sand from Mongolia sweeps across China, picking up pollutants and carrying them across borders. Every spring, Koreans bring…
In a recent report by Radio Free Asia, sources in Sinuiju, near the Chinese border, say residents have been told to expect food shortages until 2025. “Some of the residents are saying that the situation right now is so serious they don’t know if they can even survive the coming winter,” said the source, according…
Why are Korean cultural products going global when many other countries around the world also have a robust and dynamic domestic TV, music, and cinema scene? Some observers point to the Korean government’s direct support as the differentiating variable. But Sciences Po Paris lecturer Jimmyn Parc argues in a recent paper for KEI that the…
What Happened The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family announced that it will begin a pilot service that allows people to search where sex offenders live using the map app provided by Korea’s largest online platform Naver. The service was created because the current system is updated less frequently than the Naver map. This follows a wave…
What Happened South Korea plans to deliver more than 1 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines to Vietnam, representing Seoul’s first direct vaccine commitment to a foreign nation. South Korean venture firms continue to expand in Southeast Asia with the government promising support for their outreach to ASEAN countries. South Korean President Moon Jae-in will participate in a series of ASEAN summits…