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Displaying all content tagged with the region Asia.
1983 Posts located

China is India’s largest source of imports, nearly 15 percent of which are sourced from China. Many of India’s major imports—electrical machinery, electronic and semiconductor devices, fertilizers, antibiotics, iron and…

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Region: Asia

July 30, 2021

This paper assesses the potential for South Korea to be a regional leader in advancing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing, and supporting sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific region. Many…

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Region: Asia

June 28, 2021

South Korean President Moon Jae-in’s New Southern Policy (NSP)—the most recent effort by Seoul to boost relations with Southeast Asian countries and India and diversify its relationships beyond four major…

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Region: Asia

May 17, 2021

This paper addresses the U.S.-South Korea alliance in the context of Asia’s evolving security architecture. At the crux of the issue is the Biden administration’s desire to uphold the rules-based…

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May 17, 2021

When you hear about trilateral cooperation between the United States, South Korea and Japan in the news, people are usually talking about how these three countries can work together to…

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Region: Asia

September 14, 2016

In this episode, Korean Kontext speaks with Ms. Jie-ae Sohn, President of Arirang TV & Radio, Korea's first English language international broadcast system. Ms. Sohn worked as the former CNN…

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Region: Asia

September 1, 2016

Last week, the news of a high-level defection by a North Korean diplomat stationed in London captivated North Korea watchers. For the next few says, analysts and the media speculated…

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Region: Asia

August 26, 2016

Ghosts and goblins are everywhere in Korean folktales, causing havoc for people through their antics. Equally common are the shamans who act as intermediaries, helping offer solutions to life's supernatural…

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Region: Asia
Topic: Inter-Korean

August 19, 2016

What Happened Last year, a revised law required public school teachers to undergo mandatory drug testing. Lawmakers revised the law in response to the rise of drug abuse in Korea in recent years. The Gyeonggi Province Teacher’s Union demanded education authorities re-examine the “unreasonable’ measure. Implications: Seeking to address growing societal problems, the South Korean government often overlooks communicating its…

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Region: Asia

July 14, 2021

One year ago, President Moon Jae-in launched the Korean New Deal, which aims to “set the foundation for Korea’s next 100 years.” The New Deal is a national development strategy with three main objectives. First, create jobs, both government-supported positions for low-skilled workers and jobs that support the transition towards a digital and green economy.…

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Region: Asia

July 13, 2021

Does society affect the quality of the movies its directors make? Do democracies in fact make better art? Perhaps South Korea can provide an outlook on this question. 1960 is a special year in the country’s political history - a popular protest ousted President Syngman Rhee from office in April after he attempted to hold…

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Region: Asia

July 8, 2021

What Happened In 2019, Korean Internet Service Provider (ISP) SK Broadband claimed that heavy data usage by the U.S. streaming service Netflix posed a major financial burden and sought government arbitration. Local online platforms have also complained of reverse discrimination as domestic platforms pay substantially more in network usage fees than foreign ones. In response to a new law…

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Region: Asia

July 7, 2021