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Displaying all content tagged with the region Asia.
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This paper examines policies in the renewables sector across various countries and where political tensions could generate suboptimal outcomes for the sector’s development. In its analysis of supply- and demand-side…

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Region: Asia

December 25, 2010

With North Korea becoming increasingly politically isolated, there are few channels through which the international community can remain engaged. Despite the distaste most have for Pyongyang politics, more than 24…

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Region: Asia

November 25, 2010

This paper compares Sino–South Korean management of bilateral economic and political tensions; it argues that China’s WTO entry has provided an external institutional framework for managing disputes on the economic…

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Region: Asia

September 25, 2010

On 19 December 2003, the leader of Libya, Col. Muammar El-Qaddafi, shocked the world by abruptly stating that his country was renouncing its attempts to develop weapons of mass destruction…

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Region: Asia

September 25, 2010

Despite all the attention around the upcoming second summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un, we in the United States still know very little about North Korea, its people, and…

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Region: Asia

February 22, 2019

As we approach the second US-DPRK Summit, the media in the United States is so focused on the dynamics between President Trump and Kim Jong-un that the interests and motivations…

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Region: Asia

February 15, 2019

When people talk about South Korea’s foreign policy, they are more often than not focused on how Seoul engages with its immediate neighbors on denuclearization. However, as a global trading…

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Region: Asia
Topic: Security

February 8, 2019

Amid the maelstrom of the drama around diplomacy with North Korean, it’s easy to forget that South Korea and the United States are engaged in a fairly serious trade dispute…

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Region: Asia

February 1, 2019

This week, the winner of the Liberal Democratic Party leadership election will take the premiership, because the party controls the National Diet. But no matter who wins the election, experts say the deep freeze in Korea-Japan relations are unlikely to change. Based on statements made by the candidates, it seems that there is a dearth…

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Region: Asia

September 27, 2021

This is the first in a two part series looking at the entry of South and North Korea into the United Nations. The second part can be found here. September 17 marked the 30th anniversary of the entry of North Korea and South Korea into full membership in the United Nations.  In recommending admission of…

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Region: Asia

September 24, 2021

What Happened In early September 2021, a human rights group brought public attention to the suicide of a verbal and physical bullying victim in the South Korean navy. This comes on the heels of several recent highly-publicized suicides and abuse incidents within the Korean military. In response to years of public pressure, the government has steadily advanced changes, including civilian court trials for military personnel…

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Region: Asia

September 24, 2021

What Happened Until December 2020, Korea maintained a singular publicly mandated digital authentication system for accessing online services. Surveys showed that this protocol was unpopular among users. In December 2020, the government began allowing online vendors to use authentication systems of their choosing. However, the change has caused confusion as many people are now unable to access online services using verification…

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Region: Asia

September 23, 2021