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KEI Spotlight

KEI Outreach in Atlanta, GA

September 23, 2011

Six-Party Talks Simulation at Georgia State

Monday, September 19, 2011 – Grace O, Professor of Economics at Georgia State's Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, invited KEI's Nicholas Hamisevicz, Director of Research and Academic Affairs, to facilitate KEI's own Six-Party Talks simulation for 41 of the University's students.

KEI’s Six-Party Talks simulation turns students into lead negotiators for one of the six countries involved in the North Korea nuclear negotiations (i.e., United States, Russia, South Korea, North Korea, China, and Japan). As government representatives, students are tasked to reach a comprehensive agreement for North Korea's denuclearization.  With private information, resources, and their own wit, negotiators are out to win the best outcome for their respective governments. Participants learn about the issues involved in the Six Party Talks, nuclear diplomacy, and the difficulties of international negotiation, while having a great time through experiential learning.

KEI's Six-Party Talks simulation has now been completed by 2,835 students from various schools around the United States.


North Korea Panel at Georgia State

Tuesday, September 20, 2011 – Korea Economic Institute partnered with Georgia State's Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, to co-host a panel discussion on the topics of North Korea, it's economy, and what it's economy means for policy in Asia. The three members of the panel were Nicholas Hamisevicz, Korea Economic Institute; Nicholas Eberstadt, American Enterprise Institute; and Brent Won-ki Choi; Voice of America.



These two events have received coverage from two Korean news agencies, Atlanta Radio Korea and