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KEI Spotlight

A Wrap-up of Future of Korea

November 23, 2011

Future of Korea – Santa Fe, New Mexico

October 27, 2011 – The Korea Economic Institute co-sponsored a Future of Korea program in Santa Fe, NM, with the Council on International Relations. The Future of Korea delagation consisted of KEI's Ambassador Jack Pritchard; Wonchang La, First Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea; and Daniel Tikvart, North Korea Unit, Office of Korean Affairs of the U.S. Department of State.

The delegation began their stay in Santa Fe with a program at the Santa Fe University of Art and Design, where they conducted a panel for an audience of 50 people. During the panel, each member provided a 20 minuite presentation and participated in a question and answer session.

The second program was hosted at the Santa Fe Community College, and with a duration of 5 hours, spoke to 100 students from various high schools in the area. This event, entitled the "Student Fall Summit" was the second annual event hosted with a focus on a particular topic or region.


Future of Korea – Ponce, Puerto Rico

November 16, 2011 – The Korea Economic Institute closed out this year's Future of Korea programs with a trip to Ponce, Puetro Rico. The program participants were KEI's Ambassador Jack Pritchard; Kyeongkyu Kim, Agricultural Attache of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea; and Peter Velasco, Office of Public Diplomacy, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs of the U.S. Department of State.

As part of the Future of Korea program, which was co-sponsored by the Puerto Rico World Affairs Council, the participants visited the Pontifical Catholic University's new Agri-biology laboratory and conducted a discussion involving 50 students and faculty from the University's business and law school. The program featured the Mayor of Ponce, Honorable Dr. Maria Melendez, who gave the opening remarks. Each Future of Korea panelist spoke for 20 minutes and participated in a 45 minute question and answer session. Some notable attendees were the mayor of Ponce, the President/Dean of a medical college, business leaders, and the Dean of the Pontifical Catholic University.

Following the program, the World Affairs Council hosted a small reception and dinner, which included local businessmen, WAC board members and community leaders, and the Honorary Counsel General for Korea in Puerto Rico.