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On Korea: Academic Paper Series 2008

10 Publications

Korean Institutional Reform in Comparative Perspective

Korea is arguably the premier development success story of the last half century. Despite this success, there has been a nagging sense among many observers that the development of Korea’s economic and political institutions has not kept pace with the breakneck tempo of economic growth. During the decade since the…

Reform Locally, Act Globally? Crisis Management Trends in Korea

The unique restriction of a one-time, five-year presidential term in the Republic of Korea (ROK) has often resulted in short-lived changes to the way the nation’s chief executive has staffed and managed his national security and crisis management apparatus at the highest levels. Previous policy offices or special assistants are…

A Cultural and Philosophical Perspective on Korea's Education Reform: A Critical Way to Maintain Korea's Economic Momentum

During the past several decades numerous discussions about the problems of education in South Korea have been advanced by government officials, education experts, teachers, students, parents, as well as the general public. Yet the problems still persist, and many would argue that the situation has been worsening in recent years.…

Implications of Liberalizing Korea-U.S. Trade in the Automobile Sector: Potential Impact of the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement

The automobile industry is a dynamic and significant sec-tor in most of the major economies in the world. It is closely related to various other manufacturing sectors such as rubber, plastic, and chemicals; fabrics; steel; and mechanical, electric, and electronic equipment. Recently the automobile industry has been making progress toward…