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On Korea: Academic Paper Series 2007

10 Publications

The Korean Pivot: Challenges and Opportunitites from Evolving Chinese-Russian and U.S.-Japanese Security Ties

This paper provides an analytical assessment of the implications for North and South Korea of recent changes in the Chinese-Russian and U.S.-Japanese security relationships.The evolution of these two security relationships presents challenges and opportunities for both Korean states. On the one hand, the evolving situation could lead to a revival…

Securing Tokyo's Positive Role in North-South Reconciliation: The Need for a Strong U.S.-ROK Alliance to Reassure Japan

North Korea’s ballistic missile tests in July 2006 shone a spotlight on security issues in East Asia. The media paid much attention to political challenges facing the U.S.-ROK alliance. Another top story was Japan’s evolving defense posture and international security role. In October 2006, North Korea tested a nuclear device…

Restructuring the U.S.-Military Presence in Korea: Implications for Korean Security and the U.S.-ROK Alliance

During the past few years, the United States has begun three important initiatives that alter its defense commitment to South Korea (Republic of Korea [ROK]). First, Washington started to decrease its ground force presence in the ROK from approximately 38,000 to meet its goal of 25,000 by 2008. These reductions…

Kim Jong-il: Strategy and Psychology

In October 2006, Kim Jong-il’s North Korea again seized international attention. With its claimed underground nuclear test, Pyongyang upped the ante in its confrontation with the United States and the world community and appeared to return to its established habit of manufacturing crises. And, as always, outside observers began once…