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Joint U.S.-Korea Academic Studies 2016

22 Publications

Joint U.S.-Korea Academic Studies 2016 - Full Publication

This is the full PDF of the 2016 edition of Joint U.S.-Korea Academic Studies. Please click here to download the individual chapters included in this publication. Since our founding in 1982, the work of the Korea Economic Institute of America (KEI) has progressed to reflect the evolving nature of United…

Introduction | Deciphering China’s Security Intentions in Northeast Asia

Countries active in Northeast Asia differ in how they interpret China’s intentions in regard to security. Does China seek regional domination? Is it defensively resisting the aggressive designs of other states, especially the United States? Is it satisfied with a balance of power that will persist for a considerable time?…

Dynamic Dilemmas: China’s Evolving Northeast Asia Security Strategy

What are Chinese strategic intentions in Northeast Asia, and how have they evolved in recent years? Scholarly and policy research largely focuses on how domestic political and cultural factors influence China’s approach to regionalism, multilateralism, and trouble spots like the Korean Peninsula. But over the past decade, China’s military has…

Deciphering China’s Security Intentions in Northeast Asia: The Japanese Debate

China’s growing military capabilities are an increasing source of consternation for Japan. Areas of concern include China’s activities in the East China Sea, Beijing’s increasing defense budget, and lack of transparency on its military capabilities. In recent years, Beijing’s intensified maritime and aerial activities have been extensively documented and discussed…

U.S. Views of China’s Regional Strategy: Sphere of Influence or of Interests?

Today’s relationship between the United States and China is more varied, complex, and cooperative than the accumulation of headlines would lead one to believe. The news media and commentators spotlight points of friction; more books are sold about conflicts and potential conflicts than about peaceful relations; and the bread and…

Deciphering China’s Security Intentions in Northeast Asia: A View from Russia

With its 4,000 km border to the Russian Far East and Siberia, growing economic potential and military capabilities, rising China has been on the minds of the Russian elite for a long time – at least since the 18th century when the Romanov and Qing empires established borders. Since the…