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Insight 2008

12 Publications

A Firestorm in Korea over U.S. Beef

After more than two years of negotiation, false starts, and delay, Korea announced in April its intention to fully open its market to imports of U.S. beef, subject to finalization of health-related import regulations. However, over the past month, public protests that began peacefully on May 2 have grown in…

It’s All in the Golf Cart: President of the Republic of Korea, Lee Myung-bak, Visits the United States

For Korea watchers—and particularly for those of us who worked closely on events associated with President Lee’s visit to Washington—April was a very rewarding month. After multiple protocol meetings, site visits, and many other preparations, the events of the week went smoothly, culminating in President Lee’s historic visit to Camp…

Restructured Executive Branch Under President Lee

As reported in the previous issue of Korea Insight (“The Bulldozer Moves In: Lee Myung-bak is Inaugurated as the Republic of Korea’s President”), President Lee moved to streamline the government through a process of downsizing, decentralizing, decreasing deficiencies, and deregulating. A key element of the plan was to restructure and…

2008 Ambassadors’ Dialogue Program Reaches Audiences Coast-ToCoast

KEI recently completed its seventeenth annual Ambassadors’ Dialogue program. The tour was the third featuring Lee Tae-sik, the Republic of Korea’s Ambassador to the United States, and Alexander Vershbow, United States Ambassador to the Republic of Korea; both of whom were accompanied by their wives. The 2008 tour took place…

The Bulldozer Moves In: Lee Myung-bak is Inaugurated as the Republic of Korea’s President

On February 25, Lee Myung-bak was sworn in as the President of the Republic of Korea. In front of a crowd of some 60,000 gathered, including U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, four former Korean presidents, the presidents of Uzbekistan and Mongolia, and the prime ministers of Cambodia and Japan,…

Lee Myung-bak Elected President of the Republic of Korea

On December 19, the voters of South Korea elected Lee Myung-bak, the previous mayor of Seoul and a former business executive, to be the next president. The candidate of the Grand National Party (GNP), Mr. Lee won by a wide margin over the other candidates, principally Chung Dong-young of the…