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Korea Economic Institute of America Presents:

Shared Growth: Promoting Equality and Social Justice

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Event Date

April 1st 2021 11:00am - 12:00pm ET


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Event Description

Please join former Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea Dr. Chung Un-Chan and KEI President & CEO Kathleen Stephens for a conversation on shared growth as a key to promoting economic equality and social justice. Dr. Chung talks about how shared growth can work in overcoming the challenges of the Korean economy such as the slow economic growth and political and economic bi-polarization. As a long-time professor of economics, he will also address the idea of UBI (universal basic income) and U.S.-Korea economic relations including CPTPP. Formerly he served as president of Seoul National University (SNU), so hear from Dr. Chung about education and youth empowerment issues in South Korea as well.