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Bring KEI to you

Korea Economic Institute (KEI) sponsors lecture series, panel discussions, conferences and cultural programs related to Korea and Northeast Asia with universities, World Affairs Councils and other educational institutions across North America. Past programs have been on political-economic issues, security, humanitarian, and social concerns facing Northeast Asia. Each event is customized to meet interests and needs of local hosts. For example, KEI may bring 2-3 Washington D.C. experts such as officials from the Embassy of the Republic of Korea, U.S. State Department, think tank experts, and local scholars to your university campus community for a luncheon or dinner panel discussion on North Korea.

KEI’s mission is to introduce new people to Korea, support those who wish to learn more about the peninsula and assist local educational programs to continue their work on Korea.

What KEI offers?

KEI offers a wide array of programs to universities and civic groups.  Below is a selected but not exhaustive list of activities and programs that we have done in the past: Lunch Panel Discussion, Full-day Seminars, Classroom Special Lecture, Six Party Talks Simulation, Career Panel and Korean Movie / Discussions

KEI works with the local hosts to craft the best program that suits the local community and that would draw  the largest crowds.

How much does it cost?

Very little.  KEI will cover the transportation, hotel, and incidental expenses of 2-3 speakers to fly to your location.  KEI will also help defray part of the university costs, such as luncheon or dinner costs.

In return, we ask local hosts to organize venue, program promotion and audience invitation.  We ask hosts to ensure at least 50 participants attend the event.

How do I sign up?

Fill out the application on the right and a KEI staff will be in contact with you soon. KEI, of course, gets more requests than we can possibly fulfill.  But, we will review every request.

Bring KEI to You