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Korea Economic Institute of America Presents:

‘Digital Populism’ in South Korea: Internet Culture and the Troubles with Direct Participation

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Event Date

November 18th 12:00pm - 12:00am ET

Event Description

Internet culture is placing an increasingly important role in shaping Korean public and political life, from the campaign that led to the election of president Roh in 2002 to the candlelight vigils in the Spring of 2008. Dr. Youngmi Kim, a Leverhulme Trust Fellow at the School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Edinburgh, will kick start a discussion on this issue by presenting her paper on the above title. Dr. Kim’s paper focuses on the mechanisms through which large demonstrations, strikes, and clashes with the police have emerged and spread across the country, and also addresses online networks and how they can mobilize a large segment of the population. What appears as a form of direct participation may have serious consequences for Korea’s democratic institutions. Please join KEI in the lively discussion that is sure to follow Dr. Kim’s presentation on this timely issue. A light lunch will be served.

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