KEI Co-Hosts Program in Queens, NY
March 30, 2015
On March 9, 2015 KEI co-hosted a program with Representative Grace Meng that featured H.E. Ahn Ho-young, Ambassadors of the Republic of Korea to the United States. Below is an excerpt of the article by Queens Chronicle titled "Ambassador touts U.S. connections". To read the full article, please click here.
South Korea’s ambassador to the United States, Ahn Ho-Young, paid a visit to the borough on Monday night, drawing an audience of approximately 100 Korean-American leaders with whom he discussed the importance of the U.S.-South Korea relationship.
The event, held at Queens College, was organized by Congresswoman Grace Meng (D-Flushing) in conjunction with the Korea Economic Institute of America. Meng said selecting the site for the event was “an easy choice,” with the area’s many ties to the Korean-American community.