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KEI Spotlight

Coverage of KEI Event with Clinton and Trump Campaigns

October 12, 2016

On October 11, KEI hosted surrogates from the Clinton and Trump campaigns to discuss each candidate's prospective policies toward Korea and East Asia. The event was attended by nearly 100 people and was covered by more than 30 news outlets. Click here to learn more about the event and watch the full video of the discussion.

Please find below a list of the news stories about this event.



Yonhap News: Both Clinton, Trump won't take military strike option off table on N. Korea: advisers

Japan Times: Nuclear-armed North Korea presents hard choices for Obama’s successor

KBS World Radio: Clinton, Trump Camps Don't Rule out Preemptive Attack on N. Korea

Korea Times: Both Clinton, Trump won't take military strike option off table on N. Korea

Sputnik International: Clinton Ready to ‘Follow Through' Deploying THAAD System to S. Korea

Reuters: Adviser rules out Trump meeting North Korea's Kim in near future

Dong-A Ilbo: Clinton, Trump not to take military strike option off table on N. Korea



TV Chosun:  美 "선제타격배제안해"…軍 "北지휘부타격능력강화"

Yonhap News:  힐러리진영도트럼프진영도 "대북선제타격, 옵션서배제안해" (종합),   美전문가·대선캠프등 '北선제공격검토·강력제재' 잇단주장(종합)

한국경제 (Korea Economic Daily): 클린턴·트럼프캠프 "대북선제타격" 한목소리

헤럴드경제 (Korea Herald): [다시불붙는대북선제타격론①] 힐러리ㆍ트럼프캠프“옵션에서배제안해”

문화일보(Munhwa Ilbo): [단독]“클린턴, 대북선제공격도배제하지않을것”클린턴·트럼프캠프모두“선제타격배제안해”…누가되든초강경對北제재시사

매일경제 (Maeil Business Newspaper):  美, "北의공격임박땐선제타격"…대북강경론최고조

SBS: 힐러리진영도트럼프진영도"대북선제타격, 옵션서배제안해"

KBS:  힐러리·트럼프진영“대북선제타격, 옵션서배제안해”

중앙일보 (Joongang Daily) 클린턴·트럼프, 북선제공격배제안해

한겨레 (Hankyoreh): 미민주·공화참모들“선제타격배제하지않아”…진의는?

서울경제 (SeDaily): 미클린턴-트럼프양측모두“대북선제타격배제안한다"

동아일보 (DongA Ilbo): 클린턴·트럼프진영, ‘대북선제타격론’에대해“옵션에서배제안해”

한국일보(Hankook Ilbo):  클린턴ㆍ트럼프진영모두‘對北선제타격론’용인

경향신문 (Kyunghyang Daily):  클린턴, 트럼프외교안보자문, 북한안보위협관련 "어떤선택도테이블에서배제하지않을것"

세계일보 (SeGye Ilbo):  클린턴·트럼프진영모두“대북선제타격검토”

YTN: 힐러리·트럼프캠프, "북핵대응선제공격도배제안해"

Channel A: 누가되든…“北선제타격배제안해”

조선일보 (Chosun Ilbo): 백악관 주인 누가 돼도… "北核 선제타격 배제 안해" [출처] 본 기사는 조선닷컴에서 작성된 기사 입니다

MBN: 절정 치달은 대북 강경론…"北의 공격 임박시 선제타격"

통일뉴스 (Tongil News): 트럼프 측 “북 핵능력 보유”, 클린턴 측 “중심은 중국과의 대화”

대전일보 (Daejeon Ilbo): 힐러리·트럼프도 "선제타격 배제 안해"



UDN (Chinese): 川普找金正恩談核武 顧問:短期不可能

GIAO THÔNG (Vietnamese): Ông Donald Trump sẽ gặp ông Kim Jong-un nếu trúng cử Tổng thống Mỹ?

Dong-A Ilbo (Japanese): クリントン、トランプ両陣営の外交参謀、「北朝鮮先制攻撃、オプションから排除しない」

Joongang Ilbo (Japanese): 米民主・共和両陣営「北朝鮮への先制打撃を排除しない」

Hankyoreh (Japanese): 米民主・共和の参謀たち「先制攻撃排除しない」…その真意とは?