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Joint U.S.-Korea Academic Studies 2009

9 Publications

No Hugging, No Learning: Taking Stock of 2008

According to its writers, the hit 1990s television show Seinfeld was guided by the notion that, unlike other sitcoms, it was going to be a show about nothing and where there would be “no hugging and no learning.” To that end, episodes of Seinfeld would not end with any false…

North Korean Questions in 2008: Taking Stock

North Korean questions can be examined from both traditional and nontraditional security perspectives. North Korea’s use of resources to maintain a large conventional military force continues to pose a traditional security threat to the Korean peninsula. Even beyond the Korean peninsula, the North’s development of nuclear weapons, chemical and biological…

Beyond Bilateral Approaches: Regionalizing Japan-Korea Tensions

Security relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea, like those of any other two closely entwined neighbors, glisten with the multiple facets of complexity. A number of structural conditions and recent political actions underscore areas favoring bilateral cooperation. Both countries are political democracies with sophisticated economies; they have numerous…

Korea: The Next Asian Domino in Global Crisis

As the U.S. economic crisis was just getting off the ground, many analysts claimed Asia would be relatively immune to the impact because its economies had “decoupled” from the United States. The exports of countries like Japan and Korea were no longer as oriented to the United States as in…

The U.S.-Japan Alliance and the U.S.-ROK Alliance

Given the growing importance of East Asia to global stability and prosperity, sustaining the five U.S. treaty alliances in the region—Japan, the Republic of Korea, Australia, Thailand, and the Philippines—will remain one of Washington’s central foreign policy priorities in the decade ahead. The Bill Clinton and George W. Bush administrations…

Can the United States and South Korea Sing without KORUS? The Economic and Strategic Effects of the KORUS FTA

On 30 June 2007, U.S. and South Korean trade officials signed the U.S.- Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA). The two countries reached the agreement after 10 months of very tense negotiations that reflected the difficult issues the two countries confront and the importance they both place on the agreement.…