By Linda Butcher How can we move forward with a Korea-India-U.S. trilateral dialogue? Yesterday, the Korea Economic Institute of America (KEI) held a program with top experts to discuss just that. Ambassador Kathleen Stephens who served as U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Korea and U.S. Chargé d'Affaires in India, is optimistic, stating that the…
September 11, 2015
By Linda Butcher Named as the most wired place on earth, it is no surprise that South Korea has faced many cybersecurity challenges with 2013 being one of its worst years. Unfortunately, at this time all that South Korea can do when dealing with cyberwarfare is play defense. Earlier this year, numerous South Korean websites…
October 16, 2013
By Linda Butcher Known as the “Political Super Bowl,” the 2013 State of the Union Address by President Barack Obama did not disappoint. In the hours leading up to it, people guessed what would be discussed, which SOTU game they would partake in and who would be seated in FLOTUS’s box. But, in just less…
February 13, 2013
By Linda Kim What is Korean American Day? How do you celebrate it? Why January 13? These are questions I often receive when I discuss Korean American Day with friends. Well, first the easy part. January 13 was designated as Korean American Day in 2003 by the Centennial Committees of Korean Immigration and by the…