This post was revised on August 21 , 2023 to reflect additional research by the authors. Additional analysis can be found in authors' article Political Polarization in Korea. Korea’s democracy is clearly a success story. Along with Taiwan, it is one of the few Asian countries that transitioned to democratic rule in the 1980s and…
February 10, 2022
“[Kim Jong-un] stressed the need for the fishing industrial sector to conduct a work for catching more fish…” --From the report on the 4th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the WPK This year, the summary of the recently-convened Party Plenum stood in for Kim Jong-un’s new year’s address. The report sought to…
January 10, 2022
A curious feature of advanced industrial states is anxiety about the future of democracy, not only abroad but at home as well. These worries—encapsulated in the concept of backsliding--have been particularly evident in the United States following the challenges posed by the Trump administration. The bruising fight over Brexit in Britain and the rise of…
January 6, 2022
In the last two posts, we have provided data on the share of military personnel in the Politburo and analyzed in more detail the diversity of military backgrounds, some tied to the weapons program, but others linked more clearly to the military-industrial complex, technology and internal security. Here, we consider several intepretations of these developments,…